Monday, December 6, 2010

Wrap-Up for OMDE 606

I have finally reached the end of the semester. I have been presented with many ideas that would have never crossed my mind had I not taken this course. I also would have never started to think about the cost factors involved in distance education. Now, when I speak with others in the field of education I feel confident that I have a better understanding of the economics behind it. Granted, I am not claiming to be an expert, however, I have developed ideas around the basic concepts.

This course helped me understand that there is a lot of preparation and planning that must take place prior to even attempting to place a DE program within an institution. I originally believed that everyone was just jumping on the bandwagon of distance education because they believed that they could turn a profit by reducing overhead of a program. I quickly discovered that is not the case.

Also, another interesting idea that will stay with me, beyond my time in this course, is the concept of value. I am of full understanding that value is determined by the person that holds the item, but in terms of education and skills, value is decided by many different people that may not have a say in what you value for yourself.

Finally, this course made me think about the future of DE. I am not sure what the next step for DE in higher education will be. I want to believe that most schools will become dual mode institutions and offer both on ground and distance courses; but I believe that there is a factor that I am not even aware of at the moment. Maybe in regards to mobile learning and even younger students.

At any rate, I was not at a loss of thoughts in this class and fully appreciated the thoughts that it ignited in terms of my progress towards my degree.

Web 2.0

Finally, for the first time in my academic career at UMUC, I finally have found an explanation of Web 2.0 which makes sense. It is essentially, the technologies and different applications that survived after the burst in the early 2000's. Apparently Tim O'Reilly coined the term, and from there the term evolved. It is odd that the Web 2.0 is supposed to define the technologies that came around after the fall of the's; however, they were in existence then, just not used to their total benefit. These technologies, RSS, social networking, 'googling', etc., I think would not have come into existence without that fall. It was almost like natural selection. At that time, everyone was jumping on the bandwagon of anything that involved the internet and technology. However, this fall is what made everyone regroup and pay attention to what was really necessary and what was sellable. Although it is called Web 2.0, its almost as if the internet went through its own evolution and still has not finished working out its kinks so that it could survive. I think that Web 2.0 is just a start and given more time (hopefully no more falls), then we will see what what the internet is really made of.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Retention and the Culture of Education

While working at an accrediting agency, this was when I first became aware of the concept of retention. I was not to sure why this was required of the institutions that we were reviewing, but, I knew what the threshold percentage was, and I knew that there was a problem if retention was low. Of course over time, I was able to gain an understanding of retention, and recognize the importance, from the accreditation side. However, it wasn't until it became a reoccuring theme in my courses that I began to understand that the retention rates of online distance learning institutions is important for the overall online learning environment.

There is no mistaking that online learning is not looked at as affectionally as traditional education (and by traditional I mean, specifically face to face institutions with a campus). However, this differing view of online institutions combined with low retention rates, are allowing many believers towards the belief that higher education, specifically in an online environment is not beneficial for its students. While an institution on the surface is concerned with retention in its efforts to maintain a profit, there are additional areas of importance surrounding the retention debate.

My professor, Thomas Huelsmann, quoted the following, "Distance education systems, from a political economy perspective have thus usually been seen as giving a second class, inferior education to those allowed into education last, namely those who are hardest to reach and frequently the most disadvantaged" (Oliveira 1988, Nettelton 1991). Although this is a much older statement, prior to the rise of such schools as Phoneix University, Kaplan, etc., this view is still held by many, inside and outside of the educational field. Prof. Huelsmann continues by stating that "distance education systems have been seen to help maintain the stability of unfair societies by legitimating what is only a pretense of equal opportunity." This makes it appear as distance education is a bone thrown to non-traditional students that did not fit into the 'traditional' educational mold. They are not expected to succeed, and therefore, there is no surprise when the retention rates are low. Even if I were not a student in a distance education program at a distance university, I would still take offense to these statements.

During my studies, I have finally started to find others that believe that the traditional ways of education are not beneficial to the larger context of society. Everyone can not learn by sitting in a lecture room, attempting to absorb all the knowledge that a tenured professor presents to them. I congratulate the students that realized this early and decided that it would be a waste of time and energy to attempt to fit a mold that did not work for them. Hence, the non-traditional student. Usually an adult learning that has realized, slightly later, what there specific goals are in life. At this point, also, they are no longer in the mood to 'find themselves' at a traditional univeristy and no longer need the community aspect of a campus to help encourage them in their educational life. Hence, non-traditional institutions, and specifically, with the help of greater advancements in technology, the online learning institutions.

Hopefully, now, I can possibly revisit my original thoughts regarding retention and the culture that it represents in an online environment. While the non-traditional institutions, specifically, online learning institutions, cater to the non-traditional student, I think that it is fair to assume that many non-traditional outcomes will come of this union. For example, higher retention rates.

(continued later today)

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Design, Design, Design

Bates said that similar to real estate, where the important element in home selection is location, location, location. In online courses, the important element is design, design, design. Bates states that design drives "costs and effectiveness in a course." Logically, this would be a person's first thought that a well desinged course would have greater benefits in the overall success of a course in regards to quality and cost matters. However, many institutions are not willing to put forth the effort upfront to focus on the desing of a course prior to its go live period. There is still an underlying belief that if the course is already developed, then transferring this information to an online system is essentially easy.

In reviewing the information from module 5, there are many different factors to consider in the design of of an online course. One must decide if it will be delivered synchronously or asynchronously; if the course will use internet technologies, or another method to relay course information; also the type of interactivity used in the course makes a difference. In the design of a course, I believe that these components will have an effect on the overall outcome of the course.

An area that Bates touched on in chapter 8 of the text was the cycle of development in web-based learning. I found this argument interesting because it shows how elearning progresses through a university. First, there is an instructor/professor/lecturer, that looks to incorporate newer technologies in the course. Although this may not be the best solution, it is a step towards change which may not cost the institution much, but will open the door to the potential expansion of education. From this section, which Bates terms the 'lone ranger, the technology is slowly moved through the ranks of the university until it gets to the point that the univeristy decides to invest in the new learning venture and backs the technology. This appears to be a natural progression of growth for elearning, but Bates, then mentions another facotr. He states, "if teachers can learn all the skills needed to design, develop, deliver and maintain Web-based materials in such a way that the technology is fully exploited...then there is no need for the support of other professionals such as instructional designers, project managers and Web developers" (p. 173). Although this statement not only puts myself, and many others out of a job, it appears that this would be contradictory to the Lone Ranger idea. This idea would mean that the instructor would encompass all of these additional tasks, in addition to the normal teaching and research loads. I am not saying that this is not possible, however, it is burdensome on the instructor. The team effort I believe is necessary, to ensure that the overall design is benefical for all parties involved.

At this time, i think that i am talking in circles. for this reason, i am going to stop posting this message, return in the morning to clarify and move on to module 6 and the group project. Good Night.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

At the End

The end of this course, is proving to be very trying for everyone in the class. There are perks of a course online, and there are some downfalls of the technology being used. Although, there is a great push at the end of the course, I want to make sure that I am able to document my thoughts for these final course modules.

During the end of the course, there were many technological and life 'glitches' that attempted to hinder progress within the course. However, everyone's dedication to the course ensured that the course continued to progress. During the discussion with Bates, there was extreme frustration on many parts, the technology system and the multiple assignments due at once. Luckily enough, the students persevered and the course was able to continue.

Although this time period was rather trying for me as a student, I attempted to continue with my course readings. It is difficult to keep up with all the readings, but an attempt was made. Therefore, the final posts this semester will stem from module 5 through the end. Although it is possible to continue to post on the system, they will not garner much of a response from the class, as they are delayed. However, in review of the material it did indeed trigger a lot of thought for me.


Sunday, November 21, 2010

My Aha Moment

This is very late, and very much in hindsight, but very valid nonetheless. I have finally had my 'Aha' moment in this course (Economics of Distance Education). Granted, for a large part of this month I was sick and unable to think clearly, but something happened when I got better and was able to start my studies again. Everything started to click and everything began to make sense.

First, coming into this course, I figured that it makes sense to have an econonics of budgeting course in an distance education program, especially since this program can prepare its students to become director's of DE programs. However, while reading Bates, "Technology, E-Learning and Distance Education" I came across an idea that brought it all together for me. For a while, I thought that the technology of DE was a separate concept from the overall cost of the DE program. I thought that the cost factor of the DE program was similar to the cost factor of any other education institution. But, then, what was the purpose of justifying the technology, and deciding which technology would have the greater return on investment.

I am starting to think that it all comes down to justification. Why is so much research and emphasis placed on the newest technology? Why must the proponents of DE prove that this is an effiecient learning mehtod and worth the investment? Why must it be proven that it is worth the cost of investing in an LMS that costs a huge investment upfront versus using a free open source system or general blog open for everyone?

I am just now starting to connect the dots within this entire DE system. Granted, I am still at the early stages. I also hope that this weeks conference with the guest instructor Tony Bates will provide me with more insight.

More insights to come as more lightbulbs go off.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Ending October; Realizing Fears

I completed my first project for the Cost Economics course. I wasn't sure what I was in for, or exactly what I was going to do, but I somehow made it through. The project was laid out in such a way that you reviewed the information, your looked at and practiced with a mock assignment, so that when time for the assignment came due, you were properly prepared. Well, not everything works out as planned.

I read and reviewed the material, the Rumble text "The Costs and Economics of Open and Distance Learning." While reading the material it all made plenty of sense, because I was only reading it of course. I learned and felt I had an understanding of the basic concepts, such as overhead (sidenote: there was always the statement that DC public schools had the largest overhead in the country. I would quote this with the understanding that it meant that per student the cost to run the administrative and other sides of the school system were huge in comparison to other cities. I wasn't too far off course.) However, the Rumble text provided me a better explanation with direct and indirect costs as it matter in education. This will also prove beneficial as I begin to venture into the world of budgeting for the compliance costs at my current position.

So as I continued to read, I thought I had a basic understanding of the concepts and would be able to apply them to the project. Even the mock assignment made sense to me. So, I started the project, and was amazed. The basic ideas made sense, the maintenance, overheads, and development. These ideas to me were sound and made sense when applying them to the project. However, the more detailed analysis of the project made me investigate more and dig into a deeper undertsanding, or at least try to.

Gaining an understanding of depreciation or annualization was very difficult. As a homeowner and car owner, the idea of depreciation does not lose its message with me. However, when applied to education it doesn't hold the same value. Depreciation it what helps to distribute the costs of the planning or start up of the course development over time. An example was given in regards to the building where the product is developed. Yes, in the beginning it appears to be a huge costs, but when applied to the life of the program it is stretched throughout the development of the program.

The hardest idea for me was annualization. Literally, I reviewed this idea hours and days. The key concept of this idea that was hard for me to wrap my mind around was "the opportunity costs of interest forgone" (45). I took this as understanding that rather than spending the money or losing value in the money that was spent, it could have earned money in another account instead of being spent. In my mind, it makes more sense to stick with what is actually happening and not what may have happened. I'm still working my way, through this. Maybe the conference that is still ongoing with Rumble will provide additional insight.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Budgeting Fears

It has been quite some time since I have logged into the blog and relayed any of my thoughts. My thoughts have been stretched very thin lately between work and school. Currently at work I am fighting what feels like a losing battle to help others understand that quality is of importance. For some reason, quality assurance in the mortgage business is nonexistent (I say this very tongue in cheek). I am unable to breakthrough to the course providers that there should be interaction and a level of quality in their courses. Another battle is with my supervisor. Unfortunately, he has started to feel that almost everyone is doing wrong and that the technology that helps the course providers teach the course needs to be restricted for purposes of quality assurance.

In the school zone, I am working on a budgeting project. The actual term budget scares me and the project (until I break it into more pieces) is very daunting. I have read the material (sometimes even twice), and it doesn't seem to stick. Also, at times during this term, I am completely confused by the interaction in the course.

In previous classes, it was completely understood and laid out regarding course participation, and what postings we were expected to respond to. This term, the professors have put most of the onus on the students. For the first time, I feel almost as if I am in the course alone.

At any rate, I will continue to press on. I will complete my budgeting project, and gain a more thorough knowledge of the course assignments. I will remove all fears.

PS - I know that a comment to my blog was to include more of the course content, but I really needed to get back into the swing of things with just blogging (it has been a while).

Friday, October 1, 2010

Educational Value

In a similar vein regarding knowing one's own worth, it is interesting to note which countries appear to value education. I have always been of the thought that America does not value education and it shows in how they treat the educational system. It is even reflected in the quote, "if you can't do, teach." This connotes that if you fail in the area that you wish to work in and it doesn't work, just teach, since you are unsuccessful. As a product of public schools and a former teacher in the public school system, I am worried about where the country is heading in regards to its educational system which I feel shows the future of the country. I think its similar to a farm, that the students and children in schools are seeds planted to evenutally become the crops for tomorrow.

The assignment this week created more thoughts on this topic. We reviewed the data from a study of the student enrollment of developing and industrialized countries. It showed that developing countries student enrollment was increasing while the industrialized countries enrollment was stagnant. I am sure that there are many other factors that combine with this information outside of just my thoughts on the value of education, but it can be seen as a slight factor.

Also, what was seen was that the developing countries are realizing the value of education can be used to their benefit. Since many countries are using the developing countries for their labor force, the education levels in the countries that outsorce the work find a strong need for degrees as the labor workforce is not as strong in industrialized countries.

This is getting a little convoluted now, so I will have to rethink this a little more. Questions I am left with:

1. Is this just a cycle? The industrialized countries were once developing and once also had a strong labor force. However, now, the industrialized country focuses most of its employment on higher level education positions. So, what will happen once the developing countries realize they have started to promote higher education and the workforce is smarter and more skilled for the labor workforce that the country thrived on.

2. Will higher education begin to include labor education? For example, higher education is changing from just philosophical and artistic studies, to skill related degrees (I'm thinking MBA, computer scientist, accountants, etc.).

3. Will America ever place a focus back on its educational system.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Know Thy Worth

Human Capital Theory is the name of the game and it keeps bringing me back to relationships. Many times, I have over heard another female exclaim, "I know MY worth and I am too good for that!" The issue is always about a man and how he devalues her in a relationship and she deserves so much more. This statement can be applied to another relationship, the employer/employee relationship. Does one not provide a service to that employer? Are one's skills and talents not compensated for? And recently, the most commonly quoted statement in the office place is "that is above my pay grade." Although the employee may know the answer or have a solution to the problem, they place a value on the information that they provide to others within the company.

By this same thought, knowing ones worth in a work environment, appears to be directly related to their educational standing. From what I can tell at this moment is that one's productivity is higher because of a higher level of education which in turn creates a higher salary. Productivity is not directly related to one's talent, skill, or social setting and does not present the same outcome.

I am really going to have to roll this concept around in my head for some time because at the moment, I don't have that strong of a grasp on it yet.

More to come on HCT.....

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Staying Afloat and Early Thoughts

Well, even though the first full week isn't completely over, I am still staying afloat. Unfortunately, the posting site is done this evening, but this just gives me a reason to watch the Skins game tonight. At any rate, the first postings have me thinking about what came first, education or the need for education.

Think about it, how was it decided that to hold a career and to be 'successful' in a job, you should train or become educated in that field. As I think about this, there seem to have always been apprenticeship programs. You studied carpentry under someone that had already learned the craft; you studied agriculture under a successful famer. The list can go on and on. But education, was completely different from these apprenticeship and training programs. Education was about literature and philosophy, but not about an actual application of the skills learned.

I can't help but think about when education started to transform into a training for your future. Even in watching the movie "300", it was stated that the Spartans were trained in all areas, the arts, philosophy, also how to fight.

So this is how I start off the semester, in thought of how training and education started to merge into one. How was it decided that there is preparation that a person should go through prior to starting a professional life? And is all education about becoming a professional?

And so, the semester begins, what came first, education or training?

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Start of Fall 2010 Semester

Amazingly enough, I have made it through my first year of the MDE graduate program. Last semester was my hardest, with the travels, blizzard, changing jobs, and adjusting to life at home with school work. One would think that it would be harder to do schoolwork on the road, but I somehow found comfort in my schoolwork in the many Marriott's across the country.

At any rate, here I am, at the beginning of the Fall 2010 semester taking DETT621, Training at a Distance, and OMDE606, Cost of Distance Education. I am hoping that I will learn what goes into a distance education course, cost and training.

Currently, my courses are starting to merge with my professional life. When I started this program, I was an accreditation coordinator and was using my degree to develop a process for evaluations of distance education institutions. I determined that it was time for me to move on and now, I am creating an auditing/review/evaluation process for mortgage education schools. This is a different educational field for me as it is geared more so towards the training of mortgage loan originators. No longer am I responsible for ensuring that an entire institution is living up to the educational standards set forth by the accreditor, but rather, that training is being delivered effectively and in accordance with the policies set forth by the regulator.

Well, today being the official first day of class, I figured I would try to get a head start, seeing as how you are never caught up in dealing with school. My goals this semester are to be more vocal in class and not a classroom lurker. I am making the efforts now to make sure that my voice is heard, and that I also document my progress throughout the course. I think that only one course will require a learning journal, but I think that this will be beneficial as I track my progress throughout the course.

Here's to a new semester, filled with great opportunities!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

I have learned a lot about myself from this course. I learned that I need to practice better study habits. I also learned that putting in the time upfront, actually pays off in the end. One of the most important things that I learned to me, is that I really like this field. I appreciate the dialogue and conversation that this course brings me. I wish I was more 'put together' so that I could be more of an active participant, but that is all in hindsight now. From this course, I learned how I would actually like to operate my own course - as a conversation. It helps the process of learning with others. Also, my lack of participation online makes me feel like I am alone in class when the truth is, I am not. This semester was a true test of me as a student, but given the fact that I continued on, made me feel a lot better. I do not have to be alone in an online environment and I think that is the greatest lesson I have learned in my first year of an online master's program.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


This week I started to think more about the instructors than myself for a change (this is a first). I know a lot of instructors, teachers, or professors that teach in an online environment. Unfortunately, I always here them sort of complaining about students and excuses, the larger class sizes and also how some people just don't get what they are trying to do. Although this may appear as just complaining on the outside, it is their way of exchanging ideas best practices and the like about their job. A lot has changed for the instructor in this day of online education. Students are older and expect to be catered to more. Time feels neverending because in an online environment school is always open. But what about the instructor. The class sizes have increased, the students and schools have become more demanding and other issues. For instance, how does an instructor adjust their teaching style to students without actually speaking to them? Can they change how they talk to students in all posts to ensure that everyone gets it? How do you encourage the student that 'sits in the back of the class?' While I get help and encouragement from the instructor, who is actually there to help and encourage them? How do they know that the student really understands the point they are trying to get across? The reflective portion of education not only lies with the student, but also takes place with the instructor. And while the conversation of education is sometimes only thought to benefit the student, maybe it is the measuring stick for the instructor as well.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Lots of Ideas Floating Around

There have been a lot of talks about witness learners, metaphors, and learning in an online community. First, let me say, "My name is Terasita and I am a witness learner." Even in f2f courses I was the student that stayed quiet as long as possible. However, many of my teachers would not let me stay this way becuase they felt my voice needed to be heard. I thank them for this encouragement. However, now, I feel like I need to be quiet to be able to understand and absorb the information. I try to get a gauge of the entire course prior to participating. Unfortunately, this means I miss the bus, a lot. Its not as though I think that I am going to learn through some type of osmosis, that just logging in will provide me with the information that I need from the course.

On another note, the instructor has the class looking at metaphors a lot. Metaphors are a hard thing to explain and to create. But this allowed me to think outside of myself and see what my experience is in the course.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


In a reading this week, there was a lot of the mention of theories and how they can aid in teaching. I remember when I first started teaching and I was left alone in the classroom to do what was expected of me. Amazingly enough, I just relied on how I was taught. I did not look into theories, I did not study the best techniques, I just taught. Thank goodness for administrators and in-services. Of course while I was there, I hated having to sit through these tortuous events, but now I see the benefit of this. They were actually helping me by explaining theories in a way that I could relate to them.

Although I was not able to talk the talk while teaching, while I am studying I am finally able to understand the concepts that I was being told to apply in the classroom. I think that were I actually in a classroom now, I would understand what was going on. I would be able to reflect on how I was teaching and what my students were actually getting from the lesson.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

February was Eventful

There is a lot to discuss about February. Of course, it will be slightly difficult to go back and reflect, but that is the best I can do. I can honestly say, that I thought about DE so much this month, based on so many theory readings. However, lets start at the beginning. I ended my precious job in accreditation this month. It was actually getting quite interesting since the organization was JUST venturing into how to accredit distance education institutions. I would have enjoyed staying araound just to hear the conversations surrounding this debate, but unfortunately, I would not have been part of the debate. So, now, I am in auditing, similar to accreditation, but more on the compliance side of education. It all sounds the same, but there are small differences. I no longer work with educational institutions but now I get to see how organizations and other businesses handle training outside of education. They look fo very similar ideas and outcomes, however, (again with words) the terminology is different.

On the school side, it has been a very theory heavy month. In the beginning, there is a strong need to understand the basics. At one point, it was very overwhelming.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Spring 2010 - Late Start

So, I am getting a late start this term. The reflective journal was beneficial last term, and per an assignment for a course this term, I am going to continue. Although I am late, I have learned somethings about myself during this late process. It is best to admit to the problem and move forward from there. I have admitted that I am late, and am moving on.

Since the term is approximately three weeks underway, I have noticed a theme that I started to think about last term, words. Maybe its more than words but the terminology that is used in DE. In both courses this term, the introductions were both geared towards familiarizing the students/learners with the terms and the uses in the course with respect to DE. The terms started with two terms that I think are very relevant to DE, media and learning/education. Outside of the DE conversation, the two terms do not pose such a huge hurdle, but when looking at it from a DE perspective, there are many potential answers in regards to the definition.

The language of DE has appeared to taken on a world of its own. I have noticed that students are no longer referred to as students, but rather as learners, and instructors are also known as course facilitators. Truthfully, it is hard to maintain political correctness with the classroom (or should I should classroom environment?). At any rate, I have pushed through the late post, and will continue to maintain my learning journal. In addition to this, I will also continue to update my wiki, once I remember the password (or is it access entry key?).

Making up for lost time,