Sunday, September 12, 2010

Staying Afloat and Early Thoughts

Well, even though the first full week isn't completely over, I am still staying afloat. Unfortunately, the posting site is done this evening, but this just gives me a reason to watch the Skins game tonight. At any rate, the first postings have me thinking about what came first, education or the need for education.

Think about it, how was it decided that to hold a career and to be 'successful' in a job, you should train or become educated in that field. As I think about this, there seem to have always been apprenticeship programs. You studied carpentry under someone that had already learned the craft; you studied agriculture under a successful famer. The list can go on and on. But education, was completely different from these apprenticeship and training programs. Education was about literature and philosophy, but not about an actual application of the skills learned.

I can't help but think about when education started to transform into a training for your future. Even in watching the movie "300", it was stated that the Spartans were trained in all areas, the arts, philosophy, also how to fight.

So this is how I start off the semester, in thought of how training and education started to merge into one. How was it decided that there is preparation that a person should go through prior to starting a professional life? And is all education about becoming a professional?

And so, the semester begins, what came first, education or training?

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