Sunday, November 28, 2010

At the End

The end of this course, is proving to be very trying for everyone in the class. There are perks of a course online, and there are some downfalls of the technology being used. Although, there is a great push at the end of the course, I want to make sure that I am able to document my thoughts for these final course modules.

During the end of the course, there were many technological and life 'glitches' that attempted to hinder progress within the course. However, everyone's dedication to the course ensured that the course continued to progress. During the discussion with Bates, there was extreme frustration on many parts, the technology system and the multiple assignments due at once. Luckily enough, the students persevered and the course was able to continue.

Although this time period was rather trying for me as a student, I attempted to continue with my course readings. It is difficult to keep up with all the readings, but an attempt was made. Therefore, the final posts this semester will stem from module 5 through the end. Although it is possible to continue to post on the system, they will not garner much of a response from the class, as they are delayed. However, in review of the material it did indeed trigger a lot of thought for me.


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