Sunday, November 21, 2010

My Aha Moment

This is very late, and very much in hindsight, but very valid nonetheless. I have finally had my 'Aha' moment in this course (Economics of Distance Education). Granted, for a large part of this month I was sick and unable to think clearly, but something happened when I got better and was able to start my studies again. Everything started to click and everything began to make sense.

First, coming into this course, I figured that it makes sense to have an econonics of budgeting course in an distance education program, especially since this program can prepare its students to become director's of DE programs. However, while reading Bates, "Technology, E-Learning and Distance Education" I came across an idea that brought it all together for me. For a while, I thought that the technology of DE was a separate concept from the overall cost of the DE program. I thought that the cost factor of the DE program was similar to the cost factor of any other education institution. But, then, what was the purpose of justifying the technology, and deciding which technology would have the greater return on investment.

I am starting to think that it all comes down to justification. Why is so much research and emphasis placed on the newest technology? Why must the proponents of DE prove that this is an effiecient learning mehtod and worth the investment? Why must it be proven that it is worth the cost of investing in an LMS that costs a huge investment upfront versus using a free open source system or general blog open for everyone?

I am just now starting to connect the dots within this entire DE system. Granted, I am still at the early stages. I also hope that this weeks conference with the guest instructor Tony Bates will provide me with more insight.

More insights to come as more lightbulbs go off.

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