Sunday, November 8, 2009

Review of Blog

I have held a couple of different positions in an educational setting. I admnistered courses for a post secondary/continuing education institution. I taught face-to-face in a public school setting. I now am part of an accrediting body for postsecondary proprietary institutions. All these positions have helped me to undserstand the educational process from various perspectives. Additionally, the readings and teachings within my current program of study are a complement to the knowledge that I gained while experiencing these different systems.

The information from this program (although I am still in the early stages) has allowed me to see a connection regarding why certain functions are performed. The theory is beginning to match with reality. I think that going forward I will use my prior experience in an educational setting to help understand the processes within a distance education environment, for example in the development of infastructure of a distance education system.

It appears that in a distance education setting, it is best trying to duplicate the processes of traditional education. However, in doing so, certain areas may surface that had not previously been addressed in a traditional educational setting.



  1. Terasita,

    By you having first hand experience at different levels helps provide you with previous scenarios you've faced. The education achieved through this program can assist you in providing advanced techniques, new ideas, and give you a broader perspective to the world of distance education.

    In my aspects, I've never taught yet I've taken over forty online courses through Webtycho over a 6 year span so I've seen a lot in all of my time at this school.

    I wish you the best of luck in your future courses and professional career.


  2. I found your last statement to be quite interesting. I also think that distance education somewhat duplicate the processes of traditional education, but there are various criterias that are quite different and comprehensive. I think it is imperative that distance education teachers have extensive training to use the technology equipment and be able to implement the course in an online format while face-to-face instructors need minimum technology training. In the required reading Moore & Kearsley (2005) indicate that instructors must meet certain obligations or “functions” and be “empathetic, with an ability to sense their students' personalities” (p. 136-37). It is without doubt that these responsibilities are extremely difficult but nevertheless necessary for a well-structured course. Face-to-face teachers will always have the visual reactions of the students and can without doubt know if students understand or not.
