Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Course Design

One of the reasons that I joined this program was because I thought that I could have the option of designing curriculum. I figured I taught before and part of my job then was to design the curriculum. How difficult could this possibly be? Well, it appears that curriculum design, especially as it relates to distance education is a bit more cumbersome than what I experienced when I taught.

There are several different approaches to curriculum design depending on the method of delivery. Generally, correspondence courses are developed with a smaller group, at times one person, and the created material is edited or reviewed by another or group of people to ensure that the finished product satisfies the needs of the course. The "Course Team" approach as mentioned by Moore and Kearsley, consistents of many different team members ranging from subject specialists, designers, editors, producers, and can be even more. Although this sounds like the team for a movie production, these resources can be utilized effectively, especially if one is attempting to duplicate the classroom environment (where generally all of these tasks are completed by the one instructor). The first design team, known as the author editor approach may seem a bit more streamlined but the main focus on more so on the information than it is on the student. The course team approach is focused on the information, but also on ensuring that the student is able to comprehend the course materials and if this means providing the information in a variety of methods, then so be it. Additionally, it provides a system of checks and balances which ensures that one viewpoint is not delivered throughout the entire course (picture a monotous lecture with a slide presentation).

However, the course team model reminds me of an approach that I see in my work life. I am tasked with reviewing postsecondary institutions and upon review we (my team and I) are tasked with researching how curriculum is developed. I have noticed that for institutions that have multiple campuses around the country, they have used a method similar to that of the course model approach. The institution will hire subject matter specialists, course designers, technologists, and any others necessary to create a standard curriculum for a program of study. Instructors are then viewed more so as facilitators that are to present the information to the students and provide any additional help that they may need during the process. However, if an instructor feels that the course is missing a crucial component, they are then able to provide a review back to the institution, suggesting the information that needs to be included within the curriculum. I know that this is not a distance education course, but it is using one of the methods of curriculum design for a distance education course to its benefit.

1 comment:

  1. Unlike you, I have never taught before and I can just imaging the difficulties that come with those responsibilities of course design. Bates & Poole (2003) indicates “a systems approach to instructional design has proved particularly powerful for technology-based teaching but requires substantial resources and reflects a more teacher-centered approach to learning” (p. 153). This system approach in distance education seems to be quite important. The responsibilities that come alone with course designing are significant in the success of the course and program. Moore & Kearsley (2005) talks about how course developers are to consider the many guidelines when a “study guide” is created (p. 108). This guide is used to communicate ideas about teaching and give students the structure that is needed to articulate a course. The participation of students is critical and should always be considered by the designers.


    Bates, A.W., & Poole, G. (2003). Effective teaching with technology in higher education: Foundations for success. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

    Moore, M. G., & Kearsley, G. (2005). Distance education: A systems view (2nd ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
